The Business level strategies adopted by a brazilian company supplying laboratory and hospital products during the covid-19 pandemic
As result of the COVID-19 pandemic, extreme measures were implemented to restrict the population to reduce the number of infections effects around the world. The restrictions caused major disturbances in the market such as reduction in production, supply, and transportation. Private and public organizations had to find new strategies to minimize the side effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Contemplated the specific objectives of: understanding the differences between strategies at the corporate level and at the business level; examine possible difficulties for the company due to the COVID-19. We studied the strategies at the business and corporate level as it faced difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic using the company’s database and the company's report in the fiscal years between 2019 and 2022. We discussed the results and presenting our conclusions focusing on next steps and potential business 3 growth of Qualividros Distribuidora ltd with the main results of the strategies at the business level with the techniques of market penetration and product development.
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